Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday Morning Scene

I am posting this rrrreeeaaalllly late, but better late then never, right?

Saturday Morning Scene

Anyway, I'm joining Kate at Loves of Life a little late today to share part of our Saturday morning.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned on the blog that I am going to get my Infant and Toddler Montessori teacher training this summer.  I am super excited, and cannot wait to get out of the office and back into the classroom.  I have to admit, I am a little afraid scared anxious about taking classes again....and the long hours...and going another 5 weeks with no paycheck...pretty much this who training thing.  But, I am so excited, and that overrides all other feelings.  So, this morning, C and I went to the post office and mailed in my application!

Excuse the bedhead, he was a last minute addition to my trip and didn't get his hair brushed.

Today is also my Hubby's birthday.  We really wanted to do something fun and exciting, maybe have a few friends over, but with the boys being so sick this week, we didn't get anything together.  So we had a relaxing day at home.  We didn't really do anything, just played with the boys, I took a nice long nap, and Hubby got some awesome presents!  Happy Birthday, baby!

I hope every had a wonderful Saturday!  


  1. I love the name of your blog! I just had to come check you out!


    I'm your newest follower. Hope you'll follow back at
