Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Last Friday I had another ultrasound, the baby looks great!  This was the time in my pregnancy with C that we thought everything was going great, only to go in in a couple weeks and find out he wasn't gaining any weight.  This baby is already about 5.5lbs, and C was born at 4lb 14oz...so he's already bigger than his big brother!  Seeing the baby and realizing that he's really going to be here in a couple weeks, got my butt in gear and I started nesting!  Woohoo!!!  So excited to have some things done!  Hubby and I had a productive 3 day weekend rearranging our house, cleaning, buying, folding, and arguing discussing.  Pulling out all the baby clothes for C made me very nostalgic though.  The clothes are so tiny!  It was very weird to look at size Preemie clothes and remember how they were even too big on C for the first week or two of his life.  Of course, remembering and looking at old stuff made me look at baby pictures of C.  C had fun looking at the pictures too!  I kept telling him that was him, and I think he got it...he would point to the picture of him and then point to himself.  He looked so proud.  Here are a few of my favorite!

 Copper meeting C for the first time.

Copper watcing over C. 

Hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend!  And if you didn't get a 3 day weekend, maybe you were able to slack a little at work :)

1 comment:

  1. Okay I just glanced at this in my reader and saw the baby picture and was like "what?! She had the baby?!" Ha!
