Friday, August 20, 2010

Things that make me smile...

I've been having one of those weeks.  You know the kind...everything seems to be working against you, you're always tired, and people just get on your nerves!  I realized I was in this mood, and was thinking about what brings me out of it. 

Here are a few things that make me smile...
  • C waking up in the morning.  He really is the best at waking up with a big smile and long snuggle.
  • Baby Elmo-my mom has a baby Elmo from when my younger sister was little, and C has discovered it.  He loves walking around with him, huging him, and whispering to him.  So sweet!
  • Hubby coming home with a bag of Pretzel M&M's!
  • Walking in the door at the end of a rough day, and having C run up to me with his arms out and a huge smile (usually he ends up turning around and running away before he reaches me, in case I try to pick him up, but still makes me smile!)
  • Watching C and Hubby together. 
  • Feeling the baby kick and know that soon he will be here.
  • Knowing that I can come home after a rough day at work to my guys and they will take care of me.
  • Snuggling on the couch (with either C or Hubby) and watching a movie.
These are just a few things.  They might not be big, but they help me see the light through my bad mood.  I have another ultrasound this afternoon to check on the baby.  He is moving like crazy these days, and I am so excited to see him!


  1. What a great way to end the week! Happy Friday!

  2. C looks just like a little man! Oh, he's growing up so fast!
